- I have a sim on Voda they both have been refreshed to a new sim numbers are 078818882


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I have Hey there I have this number what extremely easy to remember I have used it but it's been of for few months now and I would like to sell this number ASAP 07881888228 and I have this number to 07555011955 asking price is £1000 but can negotiate if an :£1000
In 8888 Numbers
Delivery: ~24 days

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Number iption

I have a sim on Voda they both have been refreshed to a new sim numbers are 07881888228 and 07555011955 for further query please call me on 07400401166 asking price is a £1000 pound can negotiate depending on how quick u will take the number I have pac number to and all codes u will recive a free Voda goodie bag with this item

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